Textiles of the Arts & Crafts Movement (1988, 2005)
Linda Parry
Great design inspiration. Taking a short class on Tessellations, it has been extremely helpful in several unexpected ways - lettering for example. The book is great, worth it for the photos alone.

Future Systems (1999)
Marcus Field
Very well designed book. Explicitly simple, full coller, large format, hard cover edition has nice thick pages with rounded corners. A flip through the book shows designs, mock-ups, photos of existing buildings and industrially designed objects. Lots of futuristic utilitarian madness. My favorite part is that the influences are also imaged. A shark for instance, an African mask for another. Worth a look if interested in architecture, solutions and discussion of current issues in modern design. The book itself, as I have said, has the approval of this bibliophile. Good find.

No photo for the book, but this is an image of Maasai houses in Kenya -
Taken by gbaku seen Here.
African Traditional Architecture - A study of the Housing and Settlement Patterns of Rural Kenya (1977)
Kaj Blegvad Anderson

Chicago Metalsmiths - an illustrated history (1977)
Saron S. Darling
The link posted says it all better than I could, 1804-1970 - focusing on the Kalo shop. Check it out if you are interested in metalwork in 19th and 20th century America - introduction of silver to Native Americans through Arts & Crafts and Art Nouveau... and so on. Another great find. Book is stamped "Property of Virginia Commonwealth University LIBRARY SCHOOL OF THE ARTS Nov 14 1977" :) Found "RPI" stamped in an extremely simple pamphlet-cum-book on raising metal.
I need the following book in my life. An exhaustive photographic explanation of metalwork. "Well written encyclopedic introduction to art metal work"

Metal Techniques for Craftsmen - A basic manual for Craftsmen on the Methods of forming and Decorating Metals (1968)
Oppi Untracht (is the shiznet!!!)
The Arts & Crafts Metalwork of Janet Payne Bowles (1993)
Barry Shifman
**with the article "From New Woman to Metalsmith" By Sharon Darling
Book is presented with forward, preface, and three articles - the others titled "Janet Payne Bowles and the Arts & Crafts Movement in Indianapolis" and "The Metal Craft and Jewelry of Janet Payne Bowles" by Barry Shifman and W. Scott Braznell respectively. The text is followed by an extremely pleasant catalogue of the artist's collection.
About Janet Payne Bowles